Beakman & Jax: From the television show, Beakman's World, come Beakman & Jax! Find out answers to science questions.
Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen: Dozens of science fair projects using common household items.
The BoomerWolf Web Site: A great place to learn all about wolves!
Cells alive!: Descriptions, photos, & downloadable videos of the activities of human cells.
Children's Butterfly Site: A place to see pictures of butterflies and get some answers to frequently asked questions about butterflies & moths.
Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page: Find out all about weather.
Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology: Images & descriptions of microbes & their habitats.
Fish FAQ: Answers to commonly asked questions about fish.
How Stuff Works: The name of the site explains it all! Find out how stuff works!
Kapili Research Labs: Great stuff written for kids to understand! Learn about astronomy, biology, chemistry, geography, and physics.
International Year of the Ocean Kids' & Teachers' Corner: A great place to find information about the ocean.
NASA: Home of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Ocean Planet: An exhibition about oceans from the Smithsonian.
Ontario Science Center: Fun and educational.
Sea and Sky: A great place to begin research about life in the ocean.
Science Made Simple: Get great science projects & experiments and clear, detailed answers to common science questions.
United States Environmental Protection Agency Explorers Club: Have fun learning how to keep our environment clean.
Volcano World: Find out all about volcanos.
Web Elements: The periodic table on the WWW. Includes properties and descriptions of all of the elements.
The Why Files: The science, math, engineering, & technology of everyday life.
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet:
Visit Worm World, Bug World, & Your Gross & Cool Body.